This parallels the above, in the sense that, people who don't follow diets and programs seem incredulous that anyone could, that they are privy to a set of circumstance no-one else is, which is of course (confirmation bias) nonsense. We all have the same amount of time in a day, we all have responsibilities and interests that take us away from being healthy, the difference between those that look good and those that don't boils down to interest.
Again this issue directly relates to the above 2 articles, those who have low self worth, low self esteem etc, are going to take it out of themselves, they're seemingly less likely (or able) to want to eat healthy and train. Hopefully this article can shed some light on the positives of what I offer as a trainer.
You think I talk tough about eating right? Dan John lays the smack down on people who eat like kids.
Much like my training diaries (only better) Bruno gives some insights into his programming.
One of my clients told me, their trainer cousin told them, to improve their pullup, they need to practice dead hangs, without knowing the context or this trainers intent it's hard to judge, but my prima facie response was incredulity. This article includes it as a part of getting good at the pullup, but to give it as the sole advice? Seems bizarre to me.
Principles appear common sensical, but you'd be surprised how often people don't do that which is based on sense.
This kind of article is gratifying for me as a trainer to see that I can tick off much from this article as part of my training routines with clients
Common sense advice from Mark Rippetoe.
Much of this parallels what I've discussed here.
Robertsons epic on the deadlift.
This and the below articles are interesting insights into what a gym owner should consider when putting together a gym (how does CBD fair?).
The one that made me chuckle was bodybuilder types teaching their girlfriend how to train like them, see that one all the time.
I'm always curious when reading these posts to see where I fail and where I don't, fortunately for me, with this article, some of the points don't apply (charging) and some do, as in I train on a regular basis and have lasted in the industry (up to about 4 years now), I'd like to think I've continued learning and I don't seel products (this blog is the closest I'd come to an "online professional" and I'd be hardpressed to see where on this blog I preach anything that isn't supported by evidence or isn't standard fare for most strength coaches).
Some helpful tips.
You have to read the whole article, it's worth it.
This guy's one of the biggest brains in the business, when he says something, listen!
This goes in line somewhat with this post, enjoy.
For those who need more confirmation on the importance of meal frequency.
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